- Tier 1 Incubator and Resource to Tier 2 and 3 companies
- Tier 2 Member and co-owner of the BiC-1, LLC (JV)
- Tier 3 Strategic Partner (e.g., A Prime on a large GWAC, IDIQ, etc.)
Tier 1: Universal Small Business Government Contracting (GovCon), A sub-contract incubator with targeted - NAICS and PSC Code Performance Support, New Technology, and subject matter expertise.
STAHL supports this channel for community learning foundational behavior and academics. STAHL provides universal support to all member companies in GovCon. These companies learn from our trained employees, who use our custom proprietary platform of process and integrated technology. For most companies, the core program gives them what they need to know to be successful and prevent future problems. What we look for is companies who have complementary NAICS and PSC Codes, who have contractor past performance (CPR), who will register and support pursuits, who have New Technology and or Subject Matter Expertise.
Register your interests and support in ClearPoint.
Prepare to support your registered interest in proposal efforts in BidPoint.
Support recruiting efforts of the Key Personnel for the opportunity.
SME expertise and New Technology integration and solution support.
Tier 1S (Contingency): Targeted Small Businesses Government Contractors (GovCon) we have identified with CPARS that have NAICS and PSC codes that can be leveraged to the customer as CPAR Performance Support in our GAP analysis and Agency Account Plan.
Our research identifies GovCon’s subs with Agency Past Performance, who are targeted as SMEs to support the Joint Venture (JV) and then used to develop our proposed solution and support access to the Call Plan to the Agency targeted opportunities.
Additionally, these subs support our campaigns that focus on improving specific skill set requirements for crucial key personnel laid out in the RFP by supporting our recruiting of the Key Personnel (FIT Analysis) and contributing their Resumes or Past performance (CPARS) to any of our deficits in our FIT or GAP analysis. Tier 1S support these targeted needs.
Tier 1S subs are identified as strategic assets, prospects, and resources identified to help win.
Customer SUB-NAICS and PSC Code (Reach Back - Support Bench).
Contributing their Past performance (CPARS) to any of our deficits in our GAP analysis.
SMEs supporting our solutions and customer call plan and Intel.
Tier 2: Mature Small Business Government Contractors (GovCon) with at least one active CPAR in our Strategic Plan and Agency Account Plan direction to utilize their CPARS for growth.
Our research identifies GovCon with Agency Past Performance in FPDS, who are targeted as prospect partners for the JV. We target these Lead/Prime subcontractors to join our Joint Venture because they have the proper CPARS: NAICS and PSC Code Performance to Support the government’s scorecard and evaluation criteria. Our JV uses them as the Leads/Prime or subs on task orders.
Once a JV Partner Tier 2 signs up, they are required to sign-up support and help develop our Competitive and Customer Intel, support our performance work statement (PWS) Solutioning and WBS, help find Key Personnel to satisfy the requirements of the performance contract, and ultimately support the customer call plan one-on-one meetings. This is in support of our Agency forecast and targeted opportunities in ClearPoint.
This level of Tier 2 support focuses on improving our Customer Branding, specifically in recruiting and the skills, certifications, clearances, and requirements of Key Personnel coupled with the use and quality of their Past performance (CPARS), filling any deficits we might have in our FIT or GAP analysis.
Register your interests and support in ClearPoint.
Prepare to support your registered interest in proposal efforts in BidPoint.
Customer Branding (JV - Strategic-Sub Direction)
Account Call Planning to Forecasted Opportunities and Interest to support.
Lead/Prime CPARS in the NAICS and PSC Code of the GAP
Key Personnel Recruitment
Tier 2S (Contingency)
Tier 2S is NOT a part of the JV: It is a Mature Small Business or F&O Government contractor (GovCon) with identified CPARS in our Strategic Plan.
Our research identifies GovCon’s with Agency Past Performance, who are targeted as strategic partners to the JV and used to develop our Call Plan to the Agency forecast of targeted opportunities. We target these subcontractors to team with our Joint Venture who have the proper CPARS: NAICS and PSC Code Performances to Support the JV, not as a lead/Prime, but as a strategic subcontractor at the task order level.
This level of support focuses on improving specific skills in recruiting (Key Personnel) and Past performance (CPARS) deficits our Fit or GAP analysis may have. Schools often provide Tier 2 support to groups of students with similar targeted needs.
Contributing their Past performance (CPARS) to any of our deficits in our GAP analysis.
Contract with the current Customer (Strategic-Trusted Sub verified).
Key Personnel Recruitment.
SMEs supporting our solutions and customer call plan and Intel.
Possible PM role to the Lead/Prime.
Contingency Provision - There is an option to move into the joint Venture – under a Special contract provision of the award. Still, it would need a Board of Advisors (BOA) committee approval.
Binding MCSA using special terms which are approved.
Tier 3
A Tier 3 Partner is a Joint Venture Tier 2 Partner that is trusted and has developed their own vehicles. Strategic Partner is a special designation under the Joint Venture to contract with the T3 partners giving their vehicle access as a prime to BiC-1 JV and members under the MCSA agreement for the expressed purpose of joint branding, marketing, bids, Capture, award, and 49% workshare as the subcontractor. STAHL USA and BiC-1 would enter a T3 MCSA agreement to support and be a sub to the trusted prime.
Register your interests and support in ClearPoint.
Prepare to support your registered interest in proposal efforts in BidPoint.
Customer Branding (JV - Strategic-Sub Direction).
Joint Strategic Plan Prime and Sub (Schedules, Registration & Production).
Customer Branding (JV - Strategic-Sub Direction).
Account Call Planning to Forecasted Opportunities and Interest to support.
Lead/Prime CPARS in the NAICS and PSC Code of the GAP.
Key Personnel Recruitment.
Tier 3S
Tier 3S: Is a Mentor-Protégé Relationship to the Joint Venture for Strategic Growth & Capability. STAHL USA and BiC-1 would enter a Mentor-Protégé SBA or DoD agreement to support and transition.
A Tier 3 Mentor-Protégé Relationship is the most intensive and strategic type of support that offers BiC-1 tremendous upside in the valuation of its services. This kind of support requires the most resource-intensive strategic planning due to the individualized approach of developing and carrying out business development in both CONUS and OCONUS. At this level, Mentoring companies typically rely on formal assessments to determine the protégés back-office capability, management, finance, and need and to develop an individualized support plan. The Strategic Plan often includes goals related to Mentor and protégé and behavior support.
Through an established and approved Mentor-Protégé Relationship, a Protégé can gain business development assistance from a Large Business Mentor in the following areas:
1. Internal Business Processes, such as accounting and marketing.
2. Financial Assistance.
3. Navigating Federal Contracts and the Contracting Process.
4. International Trade.
5. Business Development related to Government Contracting, such as building
processes to identify contracting opportunities.
6. General and Administrative Assistance, such as helping develop business oversight
processes or human resource departments.
Tier 3S Capture Pursuits are the most intensive and mature pursuits but offer the highest Pwin with rapid growth potential. These pursuit requirements are the most resource-intensive due to the individualized approach and timelines for developing and carrying out the pursuits. At this level, Strategic plans often include goals related to Mentor and the Protégé investment, behavior, and support expectations.